Tuesday 31 May 2011

JDRF walk

It's been a good week, one were I feel like I've accomplished a lot.

First of all I might as well tell you, (since you are one of the few I can count on not to bitch at me!) that Marra and I are trying again. She messaged me apologizing and I accepted. With that, she spent the weekend here and we worked at making our friendship like it used to be. We went out on the friday night and went to the strippers. While there we were hit on by most of  the people around us and the strippers themselves. They apparently like women more than men! Needless you say, I will be returning to the Cab again... I was good and drunk last time and unfortunately did not get to do a stage dive.

Marra and I ended up stumbling the 30 minutes back to home, stopping along the way to get some coffee and bother the poor woman sitting behind the counter. We were probably her only source of entertainment for the night, as I yelled "Fresh Pots!" at her repeatedly. I finally agreed to sit outside with Marra and we finished our coffee and the walk home were we tried, failing miserably, to explain the hilarity of the night to my boyfriend and his friend Chris. They didn't see how everything that happened was funny so we settled for pizza and more coffee before settling into bed.

I was awaken at 8:00am the next morning by Marra and her relentless jumping on my bed. I opened one eye long enough to survey the situation before rolling over. Marra was having none of this and made is very clear. She verbally reprimanded me and when that stopped working she then stole my blankets.  At this point I moved slowly out of bed and across the threshold, at that point I realized I was still half in the bag and in no condition to be moving around, but hell if I was going to sleep in today. I had the JDRF walk to attend at 9:00am with the rest of my family.

After a quick cold shower and jumping into fresh clothes, I felt mildly better and when Dana finally arrive back at home I was practically ready. We left to head to the walk and stopped for coffee at Timmies, as a pick-me-up that I desperately needed. When we finally made it to the park I met my family and got signed in. We gathered around and stretched out our legs and arms before the walk started. We spent most of our time laughing and being photographed by anyone with a camera. My mum was making every effort under the sun to embarrass my kid brother Brodi, who wanted nothing to do with any of this. Joining in on the fun, mum and I danced around together before collapsing into a heap of laughter whilst my brother and boyfriend hid in shame.

Soon after the walk started we all broke up into small groups that walked together. I started out with mum and everyone else but ended up walking with Dana most of the way. Finally I ended the walk with my grandma and we chatted for a while. It actually felt nice to go out and do that much of a walk early in the morning, especially right beside the water! At the end of the walk we were greeted by everyone who had gotten there before us and we then went with the family to have a smoke and get some food. It felt nice to finally be included in my whole family, I finally felt like I was apart of them instead of being that awkward outsider.

We sat at the table for the better part of 2 hours laughing and joking. My mother even got up on the table and danced to embarrass Brodi again. By this time, Dana and I were both thinking about heading out to grab some sleep and everyone else was heading to the mall. We decided to meet them there (although we never did find them.) and we made our way up to the Quinte mall after stopping for cigarettes. It was a nice feeling to just roam around hand in hand with Dana. We stopped in and got him a game and he bought me a few skirts and a nice shirt for summer time. I was practically glowing as we sat down at the food court and grabbed a bite to eat before heading home.

The rest of my day was spent snoozing and watching movies with Marra and Dana, needless to say... it was a good day.

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